Author: Robin & Paul
Newsletter: June 23, 2020
Robin & PaulNOTICE OF FLPOA ANNUAL MEETING ON 11 JULY, 10 AMIn accordance with our by-laws, we will be holding a ZOOM meeting on Saturday, 11, July, 10 AM. You will receive an invite to the ZOOM meeting and other relevant information concerning the meeting in early July. Please try to join…
Newsletter: May 22, 2020
Robin & PaulMEMORIAL DAY Please remember all first responders as well as service members over the holiday. Stay safe. ANNUAL MEETINGThe Governor announced on Wednesday, 5/20, the capital district including Warren County will reopen to phase 1 for construction and manufacturing. Each succeeding phase will be subject to reopening in 2-week intervals.…
Newsletter: February 3, 2020
Robin & PaulHappy New Year! Dues for 2020 are $35, payable to FLPOA via check or PayPal. Unfortunately, there are no updates on the easement needed for the aquatic plant control district, but negotiations are ongoing. The lake experienced a non-toxic algae bloom last August, and steps are being taken to prevent…
Newsletter: August 29, 2019
Robin & PaulNegotiations between the property owner and the Town’s Attorney regarding an easement have been ongoing for nearly five years, with the establishment of the District delayed past the 2020 tax roll. An algae bloom was reported on August 12, confirmed by the DEC as a Harmful Algae Bloom, likely caused…
Newsletter: July 2, 2019
Robin & PaulThe Friends Lake Property Owners Association (FLOPA) invites all members to the General Membership Meeting on July 6, 2018, at 10 AM at the Chester Conservation Club, with a coffee social starting at 9 AM. The agenda for 2019 has been sent out, and the 2018 draft minutes are available…