Water Quality Best Practices  

Please follow these Water Quality Best Practices. Please print them out and provide them to any renters of your property. Make sure your family, friends, guests and renters are also educated. Everyone can help and needs to be involved in protecting the lake. You can help by:

  • Maintaining your septic system. Get it cleaned every three to five years.
  • Do not use fertilizer within 20 feet of the shoreline.
  • Pick up and dispose of pet waste.
  • Don’t allow invasive species to ruin our lake. Keep it from spreading by:
    • Properly cleaning  all boats, trailers, aquatic equipment, paddle boards, and water tubes thoroughly before putting them into the lake.  (Including propellers bottom, live wells, etc.) 
      • Many surrounding lakes such as Lake George, Loon Lake and Brant Lake have been contaminated by invasive species such as invasive milfoil. A washing station is available at the boat launch on Loon Lake.
    • It is suggested that property owners do not allow renters to launch their own boats into Friends Lake.  If you allow launching, make sure boats have been cleaned.  This should be written into rental agreements. Even a small amount of an invasive species can spread quickly!
  • If you fish in a stream or anywhere other than Friends Lake, clean all your fishing equipment.
  • Never release non-native fish, plants, or animals into the lake.
  • Do not feed the geese, ducks, loons or wildlife on or around the lake.