Newsletter: December 21, 2024

Eurasian Milfoil Found in Friends Lake

In early July, some plants were discovered in the northwest part of the lake and identified as possibly Eurasian Milfoil (EM), an invasive plant. Brian Greene, Program Director for the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP), visited the lake to examine the area and take samples. Additionally, pictures were sent to Larry Eichler, formerly of the Darrin Freshwater Institute who has surveyed the lake for us. Both Brian and Larry believed the plants were native milfoil. Subsequently, the FLPOA Board agreed to have the lake surveyed professionally. Adirondack Research Co. was contracted to survey the lake from a boat for $3,000. This survey was conducted in the middle of August and no invasive plants were found.

On August 28, a FLPOA member while fishing reported suspected EM in the same location as in July. APIPP was contacted again, and a staff person was dispatched to review the plants and determined it was EM. Working with Brian, FLPOA President Bruce France contacted diving companies about harvesting the EM. Invasive Solutions (IS) Dive Company had an opening and was contracted to do the work at a cost of $7,855 for one week. At the end of September, IS Dive Co. spent 4 or 5 days on the lake harvesting a small amount of EM and their divers surveyed most of the lake.. Two other plants were found on the west side of the lake.

In early September, Bruce met with Town Supervisor John Maday and his predecessor Craig Leggett to define a plan for reimbursement for these expenditures through the taxing district and how to handle future expenses for surveys and any remediation. It was decided that a contract naming FLPOA as the management organization, like Loon Lake, would be drawn up to expedite the work. FLPOA will submit a budget for 2025 for approval by the town board.

Learn to recognize what invasive Eurasian milfoil looks like

Proposed Friends Lake Taxing District Budget 2025

Two surveys of lake by scuba team at a cost of $15,000 each time – $30,000*

2024 costs expended by FLPOA – $11,000

*The cost to survey next year is very conservative to assure that there will be money available if the dive teams need to do more harvesting or take more time for the survey.

The intent in 2025 is to have the lake surveyed twice by divers. Once in the early part of the summer season and a second survey at the end of the season.

Everyone involved in addressing this challenge feels that this infestation was caught very early, increasing the chances of eradicating the Eurasian Milfoil. The aggressive actions the FLPOA Board is taking is to ensure that there is effective eradication. Brian Greene of APIP, who reviewed the IS Divers report, is very optimistic about FLPOA’s approach. He said, “It is a small population so I’m thinking we can be successful in controlling this AIS. A true early detection, rapid response success story!”

FLPOA members can play a vital role in monitoring for Eurasian milfoil. Learn more about other invasive species that can pose a threat to the lake. Awareness and detection is one of the most important aspects to being able to mount an early and successful defense.

Plan of Action

In early 2025, we hope to put together a few Zoom meetings that will provide additional training and include Brian Greene from APIPP to address any questions property owners may have.

Water Quality Committee Fall 2024 Report

Each year the Water Quality Committee performs three different surveys on Friends Lake to ensure the Lake water quality remains high.

1. Rake tosses: Rake tosses are performed by Committee volunteers around the shoreline in over 200 locations to identify plant life. These locations have been determined by the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APPIP), and the Committee goes to the same spots each year. This methodology allows us to create a database that provides us with past data, which we compare with current data to determine if there are any changes. Although 200 rake tosses is a great amount, it’s not enough to cover the entire shoreline. This year Eurasian Milfoil was found in a spot where a rake toss was not performed. This highlights the importance of all FLPOA members being vigilant and involved.

2. Septic testing for failed systems: Each year the Committee performs four tests in 26 locations around the lake shoreline. So far, the results are good and there has not been a problem with septic system pollution.

3. Adirondack Lake Assistance Program (ALAP) Water Testing: Committee volunteers take samples in the middle of the lake in June, July, August and September. The samples are sent to ALAP. These samples measure various chemicals in the water: Salt from road runoff, Chlorophyll, Chloride, Sulfate as SO4, Phosphorus, Ammonia, Nitrogen and Calcium. The 2023 results show the lake is within all the guidelines and is a very healthy lake. (Summary report available at this link: ALAP+Update+2023.pdf ( The 2024 results will be issued in late December, and the results will be shared with the property owners and will similarly be available on the ALAP website.

4. Water Quality Committee: Learn more about what the Water Quality Committee does on our website.

5. Join the Water Quality Committee: The Committee seeks volunteers to help with our important work: performing the various tests and educating our members. Training is provided to interested volunteers. Contact us to learn more or join.

Social Update

“Friends Lake-where memories last a lifetime”

2025 Summer Social Events- Save the Dates

Summer will be here before you know it and the FLPOA is already planning some new, fun-filled summer activities for the entire family! Mark your calendars now and look for more information in late spring.

Saturday, July 5th at 9am “Coffee Hour” prior to annual meeting

Join us for coffee and delicious homemade baked goods between 9-10am. Meet the board, catch up with neighbors, register for summer events and purchase raffle tickets! 

Saturday, July 12th at 9am “RACE THE LAKE” 

Get ready for a new event on the lake-a canoe/kayak race from one end to the other, followed by a potluck brunch. Divisions will include both single and double canoe and kayak. Age brackets by youth, junior, adult and senior. Winners will have their names and year won posted on the FLPOA website. 

Saturday, August 2nd at 9am “Mini Fun Triathlon”

Swim, Bike, Run/Walk any or all legs of this family friendly annual event, followed by a potluck brunch. All ages encouraged to give it a “TRI”. 

Sunday, August 17th at 3pm “Nine, Wine & Dine” Golf Tournament

The 2nd annual “Nine, Wine & Dine” will once again be held at Cronin’s Golf Resort! Get your team together for 9 holes of golf, followed by drinks and a BBQ dinner. Prizes! Raffles! Fun!

End of Season Social-Date, Time and Location: TBD

For those of you still enjoying the lake in September, plan on joining us for the traditional “End of Season Social”. Bring a bottle of wine and dish to share! The 50/50 Raffle will be drawn. A great way to end another wonderful summer on the lake! 

Winter Activities

Are you at Friends Lake this winter? 

Interested in connecting with lake neighbors for any social activities?

This could include:

  1. Outdoor activities like snow shoeing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, ice-skating, ice-fishing, or sledding
  2. Indoor activities like happy hour, dinner, or movies

If there’s interest, FLPOA can create and share a list of neighbors who are interested in getting together during the winter and create an informal group of people who would like to organize or host any winter activity. 

Please let us know if you want to be a part of the “Winter at the Lake” group, any activities you like to do, and whether you want to organize or to host a gathering.

Interested in Leading a Hike or Kids Activity?

The FLPOA Social Committee is actively seeking volunteers from around the lake to help create new activities for all ages. Some members have suggested:

  • creating a hiking group 
  • 4th of July boat parade
  • hosting an ice cream social
  • street dance or block party
  • children’s activities such as a fishing derby, sandcastle competition, treasure hunt

If you are interested in helping organize any of the above events, or have other ideas for lake/social activities, please contact Liz Hughes