Good Neighbor Guidelines and Best Practices

Download/Print our Good Neighbor’s flyer

Please share these with your guests and post these guidelines in a visible spot where renters/visitors will see and follow these regulations for Friends Lake. Thank you!

We ask that all residents, guests, and renters adhere to the above guidelines and rules to create an atmosphere of safe and friendly usage of the lake for all concerned.  

Please be kind to and considerate of your Friends Lake neighbors: 

  • Keep noise to a minimum after 10:00 pm. Sound travels far on a lake!
  • Keep outside lights to a minimum. Let’s enjoy the stars instead!  The Adirondack Park is a well-known place for stargazing and benefits from being in the darkest area west of the Mississippi 
  • Be responsible pet owners. Clean up after your dogs, and keep them leashed or under your control when they’re not. The Town of Chester has a leash law. All dogs off their property must either be leashed or under a responsible person’s complete control. Dogs are required to be licensed and up to date on Rabies vaccination.
  • Follow NYS and Warren County laws regarding fireworks. Remember that fireworks can be frightening to pets, wildlife, children, and those with PTSD. They also pollute our precious lake.
  • Follow water quality best practices and share with family, guests and renters
    • Maintaining your septic system. Get it cleaned every three to five years.
    • Do not use fertilizer within 20 feet of the shoreline.
    • Pick up and dispose of pet waste.
    • Don’t allow invasive species to ruin our lake. Keep it from spreading by:
      • Properly cleaning  all boats, trailers, aquatic equipment, paddle boards, and water tubes thoroughly before putting them into the lake.  (Including propellers bottom, live wells, etc.)
        • Many surrounding lakes such as Lake George, Loon Lake and Brant Lake have been contaminated by invasive species such as invasive milfoil. A washing station is available at the boat launch on Loon Lake.
      • It is suggested that property owners do not allow renters to launch their own boats into Friends Lake.  If you allow launching, make sure boats have been cleaned.  This should be written into rental agreements. Even a small amount of an invasive species can spread quickly!
    • If you fish in a stream or anywhere other than Friends Lake, clean all your fishing equipment.
    • Never release non-native fish, plants, or animals into the lake.
    • Do not feed the geese, ducks, loons or wildlife on or around the lake.  
  • Follow the best practices to protect loons and other wildlife:
    • Clean up your trash, including cigarette butts properly dispose  of fishing line, hooks, and tackle
    • Don’t use lead sinkers
    • Do not feed fish, birds, or other wildlife  
    • Don’t use glue traps or rat poison
  • Limit High-speed motor boat activity after 8:00pm and before sunrise. This includes water skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing.
  • Keep motorboat speeds under 40 mph, so as not to endanger others.
  • The launch and return route of a boat to its dock should not infringe upon the rights of neighbors.
  • Be courteous when using the slalom course. Skiers approaching the slalom course should wait outside the course at minimum wake until those using the course have left.