Newsletter: June 5, 2024

Friends Lake Property Owners Association  

June 5, 2024 

ANNUAL MEETING – The FLPOA annual meeting will be held on Saturday, July 6, at the TOWN OF  CHESTER MUNICIPAL CENTER auditorium. There will a “getting to know your neighbor” session starting  at 9 am with coffee provided. The formal meeting starts at 10 am. 

MORE INFORMATION – The FLPOA website is being revamped–and we’re excited about the new  content and improved ease to navigate–it will launch in the coming weeks. In the meantime, updated  annual meeting information can be found at 

REVISED BYLAWS – The Board of Directors of FLPOA has voted to recommend that the membership  approve revisions (called “amendments”) to the organization’s by-laws. Our goal is to make the by-laws  more user friendly and to add some additional protections for the organization. The FLPOA  membership will vote on accepting the bylaws at our annual meeting of July 6, 2024. We will be  providing you with the proposed amended bylaws, a mark-up of the current by-laws so you may see the  changes, and a summary of the changes. In addition, we are scheduling two Zoom meetings for anyone  who has questions or wishes to comment on the bylaws before the vote at the annual meeting. The  meetings are on Tuesday, June 18, and Wednesday, June 26. Both meetings are at 6:30 PM. You can find  bylaws information and register for one of the Zoom meetings at  

DUES – Annual Dues are $35 and checks should be made payable to FLPOA. If you are planning on  attending the annual meeting you should pay then. Dues can also be paid via Paypal using If not attending the annual meeting, you can mail the check to: 

Valerie van Ogtrop 

57 Gilliam Lane 

Riverside CT. 06878 

FLPOA SOCIAL EVENTS SCHEDULE – Updated information will be on the website and sent out via email during the summer. 

Mini Triathlon and Brunch – Saturday August 3, 9 am 

This is a fun event that includes a short and easy swim, bike and run/walk. The “race” will be followed by  a potluck brunch. This is a no pressure event and most anyone should be able to participate. Relay  teams are also welcome. 

Friends Lake Inn Buffet Brunch, Sunday, August 18, 11 am to 12:30 pm 

This Annual FLPOA tradition includes a nice variety of breakfast dishes, potatoes, fruit, juice, coffee, and much more!  

End of Summer Cocktail Party and Raffle Drawing. Sunday, September 8, 3-6 pm Another FLPOA tradition, the Cocktail Party will be held at the Friends Lake Inn. The Inn graciously provides hors d’ oeuvres. Past items have included grilled vegetable bruschetta,  calamari with a sweet chili sauce, a cheese and charcuterie board and hummus with crackers. A cash  bar will be available with wine, beer and all your favorite cocktails. Also, at this event we will announce  the winner of the FLPOA 50/50!


Nine, Wine and Dine Golf Event 

This new addition to the social calendar will include hot dogs and hamburgers, wine, beer and soft  drinks and nine holes of golf at Cronins. It will be held on August 18th at 3 pm. The cost is $55 or $20 for  those who would prefer to just wine and dine. 

50/50 RAFFLE – FLPOA is again holding a 50/50 raffle. Tickets for the drawing will be available at the  annual meeting ($10 each). Drawing at FLPOA social on September 8. Use the tickets at the end of the  newsletter and bring to the annual meeting along with a check for the appropriate amount. If you will  not be attending the meeting and want to purchase tickets, please submit via mail with your dues  payment. Kindly fill out one ticket per each $10 donation 

NOMINATIONS – The FLPOA Board is always looking for people to serve as board members and on the  various committees. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Liz Hughes at 




1. Determination of a quorum 

2. Approval of the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes  

3. Review of the financial statements  

4. Committee Reports  

5. New Business 

6. Election of Officers and Directors 

7. Question and answer  

8. Adjournment  

OTHER INFORMATION – This will be the only communication that is sent via US Mail. All other  information will be available via email throughout the year or from the website. Please make sure we  have your current email address. General questions should be directed to  Concerns may be addressed to Board President Bruce France, or (518) 441- 9584, cell phone 


2024 FLPOA Raffle Tickets and Donation Receipts were formatted for the newsletter and requested to be sent to:  

Valerie van Ogtrop 57 Gilliam Lane Riverside CT. 06878